The purpose of this website is to give hope and also shed light on a subject I believe is sorely misunderstood in this day and age….that is the contents of the Bible and more specifically the story of creation. As a Christian, I get frustrated with the misuse of the Bible. I see people who obviously have never really taken the time to read it, dismiss it because of so many things they do not understand. I also see the Bible dismissed because the very people who claim to believe it, give a less than stellar impression. I am a faulty person myself, and I know I have made more than one bad impression in my life. (If you know me, you’re probably already enthusiastically agreeing with that last statement….) Therefore, I am sure I have been guilty of turning people away from the Bible as well – and I hate that about myself. However, I hope if you know me at all personally (flaws and all) you’ll give me a shot at explaining some Biblical truths here in this blog.
Why write about this now, you may ask? I am worried about people I love who don’t know God. None of us know what day will be our last day. It is so easy to get caught up in our daily lives and forget that we really aren't in control. I mean, yes, we can control how we behave, how we take care of ourselves and others, but we don't get to decide when our last day on earth is. Currently, I'm 43 years old, I still live with the assumption that I could potentially have another 30-40 years in me! However, a car accident may change that tomorrow! With that in mind, I should be doing more with the time I do have on this earth. And, if I can help one person come to know Christ because I took the time to make this website, then it was worth it.
As a believer in Christ, I put my faith and trust in Him. According to Psalm 139:15-16 "My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth, your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." The minute I was conceived, God knew when I would breathe my last breath according to this passage. Now, you may be reading this and think, "She's crazy! Who even believes in that dusty old book anymore?" Well, I do. I understand many people do not place their trust in God or the Bible. I hope with this website, maybe I can change that. Or at least get people to think a little before completely dismissing it.
For the record, I believe the Bible and its truths are much more powerful and miraculous than many people want to accept it to be. Just because you don't want to believe something doesn't mean it isn't true. If you aren't a believer, I hope you'll give me a chance at sharing items you likely haven't heard before. I hope if you've read this far, you'll read a little further. If you ARE a believer, I hope what I am sharing will give you more confidence in your belief! I was presented this information when I was in the 6th grade and it changed my life. I knew I believed in Jesus, but being a girl who loved did the Bible and science exist together? It seemed like they were at odds with each other. I do not believe that anymore. I actually think they align quite beautifully if we are willing to look closely at both.
I also believe we are living in the end times. Living in the end times to a Bible believer means that the rapture and Christ’s second coming are near. I do not want people I love to be left behind when this happens just because I didn’t speak up. Did you know that 27% of the Bible is prophecy and so far the Bible has a 100% track record? If what I am saying is in fact true, wouldn’t it be prudent to the logical mind to pay a little bit more attention to Biblical teachings? We are so easily convinced to follow other authors or self-help books and yet the one book which has been around for over a thousand years gets misquoted, berated and constantly misunderstood because so many people do not take the time to completely understand it and read it.
Often times words or phrases from the Bible are taken out of context. Let me give you a little example of why the Bible is so often misunderstood: if I asked you to tell me the meaning of the word “stock” what might you say?
Stock as in “goods or merchandise? Items in inventory?”
Stock as in “shares of a particular company?”
Stock as in “farm animals such as cattle, pigs, sheep?”
Stock as in “the part of a gun”
Stock as in “a person’s ancestry”
There are actually several more uses of the word stock, but do you see how just one word can have several meanings if not given some sort of context? Here’s another example of a phrase that can be misunderstood in the same way….if I said the phrase “I have stock” what does that mean?
Again….do I have inventory? Shares in a company? Pigs? Without context, that phrase makes little to no sense.
The Bible is the same. When you do not take into account the context of the scriptures much can be misinterpreted.
I take the Bible literally, therefore if the Bible says, “And God said, ‘Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground and wild animals, each according to its kind.’ And it was so” I believe it. I believe God created the animals with just His word. I believe in miracles. This may come as a shock to many knowing I taught science for so many years, but I would ask you to stay with me, because I promise I have basis. I hope these posts will reach believers who wonder how the creation story can be true with all the “science” in the world saying otherwise. To those people who believe 90% of the Bible, but struggle with that first part (the Book of Genesis)– take heart! Keep reading!! To those of you who do not believe in the Bible but maybe you’re just curious about what your crazy friend Jaime is scribbling, I would also encourage you to keep reading. All you are risking is a little bit of your time, right? So, what’s the harm? You might be intrigued to learn more and I would welcome your interest and questions.
I want to keep these posts short and sweet so I will try to wrap up this introduction post as concisely as I can. The purpose of this website/blog is to help others understand certain truths they may not know exist in the Bible and to focus on the Biblical creation story. Why am I focusing on the Creation story? Well, if you’re going to believe the end of the Bible (rapture and Christ’s second coming) don’t you have to believe the beginning (God’s creation story)? And if nothing else, isn’t the beginning always a good place to start when studying a book?
USING THIS SITE: Now as you move forward, I'd like give you some direction to this website. All my posts are named ENTRY 1, 2, 3, etc. If you go to the main page and scroll all the way to the bottom, you'll see all these posts and can click on a button that says "MORE POSTS." This will take you to another page where the posts start in order at the BOTTOM of the page. Again, they are named ENTRY 1, 2, 3, etc. You may also click on the main page where it says MY BLOG. This will take you to another page where again, if you scroll to the BOTTOM of the page you'll find the posts in order starting at the BOTTOM. My apologies for confusion but at this point, I'm still working with a free site so, I ask for your patience.
Again, I hope you enjoy what you read. I hope you are intrigued and encouraged! Maybe this will be the beginning of a beautiful relationship!